Welcome to Projects for the South Downs.


Projects for the South Downs is used by South Downs National Park Authority and the South Downs National Park Trust to process funding bids for the Sustainable Communities Fund, Community Infrastructure Levy Funding and other funding streams.



For further information on funding that is offered by the SDNPA and SDNP Trust, please visit South Downs National Park Authority, and the South Downs National Park Trust.



Please ensure that you are completing the correct application form as applications are not transferable between funds. If you are unsure, please contact us via grants@southdowns.gov.uk.


Please register with us to create your account using your email address. This email address will be used for all correspondence so please ensure that the address is valid and regularly checked.


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Please register with us to create your account using your email address. This email address will be used for all correspondence so please ensure that the address is valid and regularly checked.